Model : SLC 200F / SLC 450F

Model : SLC 60F / SLC 100F

Laser cleaning equipment is a new type of high-tech surface treatment products that integrate laser, software, hardware and control.
The system can effectively clean the surface of the object. Compared with traditional cleaning methods, laser cleaning has no pollution.
Dyeing, no loss, high efficiency, which can meet various applications such as degreasing, rusting, paint removal, and coating removal on the surface of objects demand.
The equipment has been specially adjusted for tire mold cleaning applications with professional 

parameters and process adjustments, which can be quickly.
Efficient cleaning does not hurt the mold substrate. The company also provides automatic and
semi-automatic tire mold cleaning equipment, combining Robot, automation, machine vision and other
technologies, without the need for manual participation throughout the process, complete a full set
of mold cleaning automatically.


Product Features

  • Non-contact, no damage to the substrate
  • Adjustable parameters,
    high cleaning efficiency, save time
  • No chemical cleaning fluid, no consumables,
    safe and environmentally friendly
  • Low operating cost and maintenance-free
  • Simple operation, can be hand-held or
    automatically cleaned with the robot

Product Features

  • Rubber mold rubber residue removal
  • Pre-treatment before welding / cleaning after welding
  • Metal surface oil stain, rust residue cleaning
  • Paint removal on metal surfaces
  • Surface coating removal
  • Removal of pigment and ash layer on the surface
    of cultural relics
  • Metal surface rust removal

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